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Jesus Is The Answer. What Was The Question?-Workbook 1, Chapter 4

Dear Food, I Love You. I Hate You. Don't Leave Me!: A Bible Study Program Designed to Help You Shatter Food Strongholds For Lasting Health and Joy (WORKBOOK 1)

Chapter Two: "To All the Nachos I've Loved Before"

In this episode, we explore the intricate relationship we have with food and the transformative power of creating a food history timeline. Through this exercise, we gain a deeper understanding of how events, emotions, and eating habits intertwine.

Chapter Three: "Why Can’t I Find Thigh Gap in my Bible Concordance?"

The episode acknowledges struggles with self-loathing and body dissatisfaction. It encourages embracing the truth that Jesus deeply loves and treasures listeners. Rather than hiding in shame, they are urged to seek God's counsel, share their desires for their bodies, and seek His guidance for their journey toward health and wellness.

Chapter Four: "Jesus Is The Answer. What Was The Question?"

Welcome to the Dear Food Podcast! In today's episode, we dive into Chapter Four of the "Dear Food, I Love You. I Hate You. Don't Leave Me!" Workbook One, titled "Jesus is the Answer, What was the Question?" We'll explore the topic of whether Jesus truly cares about our food struggles and find answers to some of the hard questions we may have. So, let's embark on this journey of faith, hope, and food freedom together.

Understanding the "Jesus Answer":

As Christians, we often hear the phrase "Jesus is the answer" in response to our problems. However, when it comes to our food issues, this answer can sometimes feel dismissive or oversimplified. We may have received advice from well-meaning friends that made us feel ashamed or confused, leaving us wondering if Jesus truly wants to be involved in our struggles.

Question 1: "Will You Help Me, Jesus?"

The answer is a resounding YES! Scripture assures us of God's desire to help and support us in our time of need. Verses like Isaiah 41:13, Jeremiah 29:12-13, and Hebrews 4:15-16 affirm God's promise to hold our hand, listen to our prayers, and provide grace and mercy when we seek Him with all our hearts. Jesus cares about our bodies because they are temples of the Holy Spirit, and our well-being matters to Him.

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Question 2: "When Will Jesus Help Me?"

The answer is simple: Anytime, all the time, always. God is our refuge, ready to help in times of trouble (Psalm 46:1). He is attentive to the cries of the needy and will not let us be overwhelmed without providing a way out (Psalm 72:12, 1 Corinthians 10:13). Although our struggles may persist, Jesus walks with us, building our confidence in Him and teaching us endurance. Through our partnership with Him, we experience victory and joy that bloom after conquering difficulties with His help.

Question 3: "How Will Jesus Help Me?"

Jesus offers us strength when we are weak (Isaiah 40:29-31). He provides a way out of temptation and supports us in enduring it (1 Corinthians 10:13). Moreover, God works all things together for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28). The help we receive from Jesus may not always remove our struggles, but it will transform us and empower us to face them. His love and power far surpass any temporary solace food may provide.

Understanding that Jesus cares about our food struggles and desires to help us is a liberating realization. We must invite Him into our challenges, seeking Him through prayer and acknowledging His presence. Our bodies, created by God, are precious to Him, and our well-being matters because we matter to Him. Jesus offers us strength, a way out, and a transformation that brings victory and joy.

As we journey through our health and wellness, let's celebrate our victories and remember that Jesus is the ultimate source of encouragement and support. We can find comfort in His Word, using verses like Matthew 11:28 as reminders of His love and willingness to walk with us. Let's be honest with the Lord, ask the hard questions, and seek His honest answers in Scripture.

Today, take a moment to reflect on what you've learned and celebrate your growth toward health, wellness, joy, and food freedom. Choose a verse that resonates with you from this podcast, write it down, and display it where you can see it often. Let it serve as a reminder of God's deep love for you and His commitment to helping.

Until next time, dear friends, keep celebrating those victories, stay connected with the Dear Food community, and nourish your souls as you pursue a life of joy and freedom.

Julia Fikse, FMCHC, NBC-HWC is a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach and Nationally Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, specializing in Emotional Eating as well as Mental Health and Weight Loss. Julia has personally experienced the frustration of weight gain, weight loss, weight related health issues and emotional eating challenges. Julia is not a therapist or a doctor and this should not in any way replace doctor’s advice.

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